Parent information
We have tried to provide information below to make your life easier! If you would like to see any other information please let us know.
Keep your details up to date
Please let us know if any of your contact details have changed.
2. Visiting the nursery
We feel it is highly beneficial for you to visit the Nursery before applying for a place for your child. This enables us to meet and get to know each other, but most importantly that you are content with our Nursery and its surroundings and feel that your child will be happy at the Village Nursery. Please note, however, that places will be confirmed at a later date and that a visit does not mean a guaranteed placement.
3. Parent & carer/Child/Teacher relationship
We encourage parents to communicate any news with us when you drop your child in the morning. If you have any additional queries, questions or messages for your key teacher or feedback about the Nursery, weekly themes etc., please let us know. We also love to hear of any milestones or special events in your child’s life, e.g. birth of a sibling, sleeping through the night, mastering a skill etc.
4. Outdoor education
We have a dedicated team of trained staff who oversee the Outdoor Education curriculum and your child will participate in a two-hour Outdoor session each week. Outdoor Education only occurs in morning sessions when we head into the Whiteley Village woods to investigate and see what wonders we can find.
In order to fully participate in these activities, it is important that your child is appropriately dressed for the weather. To keep warm in winter, layers of clothing work best with thick socks (or a couple of thinner pairs). Remember that it can be a few degrees cooler in the woods under the cover of trees. Wellies, hats and waterproof mittens should be worn in winter and sturdy, closed-toe footwear (e.g. trainers) with a sun hat in the summer. Cotton long-sleeved t-shirts and trousers are advised even in summer due to the risk of scratches, nettle stings or insect bites.
Your child will be issued with their own pair of high-quality waterproof trousers on loan for the duration of their time at The Village Nursery. Please ensure that your child arrives in these on their Outdoor Education day. If they grow out of them, please return to the Nursery and we will exchange them for a larger pair.
Please make sure that your children wear hard-wearing clothes that they can get dirty in – we love playing with paint, mud, pens etc, not forgetting puddle-jumping – a very important activity.
For Outdoor Learning sessions please see point 4 above.
Please name all your child’s belongings and remember to dress themfor the weather.
Please provide a bag for your child that includes:
Clothes - spare named top, bottoms, pants, socks
Toilet - nappies and wipes
Medication – times and instructions, eg inhalers.
Summer – suncream* and sunhat
*Please apply before nursery, we will top-up